* Are you feeling slightly
anxious about your forthcoming delivery.
* Have you heard horror stories about pregnancy and birthing from
friends and family.
* Have you ever wondered why people always concentrate on the negative aspects regarding
their labour and birth.
Well I am here to change all that with the help of the Fertility2Birth's Hypnobirth
program. Clinical research and experience shows that confident relaxed and positive mothers have better birth outcomes.
What is Hypnobirth?
Fertility2Birth's Hypnobirth is a complete birth education program. It then goes
on to teach first time mums and dads what to expect after their baby is born, which are things that are no longer taught
in the NHS parentcraft classes. I work closely with midwives who advocate this program so we can work together as a team.
In short, Hypnobirth allows you to experience birth in an atmostphere of calm relaxation, free of fear and tension
that prevents the birthing muscles of your body functioning as nature intented them to. With Hypnobirth these are some
of the things that you will learn.
Using Hypnosis to help with labour has been shown to reduce
the length of the first stage of labour by hours and the second stage from an average of 50 minutes to 37
minutes. 50% of parents using the Fertility2Birth HypnoBirth program have experienced an entire labour lasting less than 5
We spent a lot of time investigating the secrets that
really help women to have the labour we all dream of. Females commonly fear giving birth from an early age and males often
have very little idea of what will happen at the delivery of their baby. It is also the case that the birthing partner has
very little input at the birth and often feels quite useless.
The Fertility2Birth HypnoBirth program aims to remove
all of the fears associated with birth and turn the feelings into enthusiastic anticipation. Whether you choose the individual
or group program you will receive all course material, which includes an abundance of things for the birthing partner to do
prior to the birth and during labour. This does not mean that the birthing partner has to participate. If you choose to use
the HypnoBirth program on your own this is also fine, we provide you with two CDs that can be used daily and many other special
tricks that you can use alone.
The program empowers you to take back the control of your baby’s birth. It
is not surprising that we often lose control in this fast paced, super technological world that we live in. We go to school
and obey the teachers, we go to work and obey our managers, we become adults yet still allow our parents to influence us.
Everyone has their speciality and it is very rare for us to turn around and question let alone say no. The HypnoBirth program
restores your confidence so you feel that it is ok to liaise with the medical staff. You will realise that it is ok to ask
why something is being done and if you do not like something have the confidence to question it.
Clinical research
has shown that confident, relaxed and positive mothers have better birth outcomes. During the Fertility2Birth HypnoBirth program
you will learn how to relax using hypnosis so that during your labour you can, if you choose to, go into the deep relaxed
state that is hypnosis. Many people do not realise that hypnosis is actually a heightened state. When in hypnosis, although
very relaxed you will be able to think, feel and behave as normal. You will have focused concentration and be in full control
of your body. The HypnoBirth program is however not all about hypnosis so, even though it is strongly recommended, you will
not have to be under hypnosis at any point if you choose not to be. Remember this is all about you have the birth of your
It is amazing how our brain and body can work naturally. Due to evolution and confusingly because we are
so clever we have forgotten how to use our brain the way animals do. Did you know that if an animal senses danger it can stop
its labour? It will move to a safer place and start the labour again. Amazingly it is the same process, known as the ‘fight
or flight’ response that causes humans to have prolonged labours that may result in medical intervention. The only difference
is we are not in danger so there is no need for us to go into this natural response. We do it unknowingly. Due to evolution
and our place in the natural world we no longer need this natural response in the same way animals do. We have lost the ability
to control our body’s natural responses. In fact many of us do not even know these responses exist let alone how to
stop them. With HypnoBirth you will learn about the fight and flight response and why humans often go into this mode, you
will learn why there is no need for this and also how to control your own body so that it does not have an unnecessary reaction.
It is worth remembering that anything a pregnant woman takes into her body will also be taken in by her baby. This
includes anything given during labour. Using the HypnoBirth program the chances of you requiring medical intervention including
pain relief are reduced dramatically. This means that not only will your body heal at a much faster
rate after the delivery but your baby will be brought into the world drug free. Sometimes however things do not always go
to plan. The program also helps you to be aware of this and how to deal with any feelings that may occur if your labour does
not go exactly as your Birth Plan stated. We cant promise you a pain free birth - no one can - but we can promise
you a much, much, more comfortable and relaxed birth than you would have had otherwise.
We find that the babies
born using hypnosis tend to be calmer, feed better, sleep better, and experience less trauma, because they are gently
breathed into the world at their own pace. Scientific research has also shown that the babies usually have higher apgar scores
too. ( This is a measurement of how alert babies are immediately after birth and then 5 minutes later).
something useful for the dad too! Instead of your husband or partner feeling helpless , they become an important part
of the birthing process, helping you to stay calm and in control and keeping you focussed on the techniques that
you have learnt. As a result, the fathers feel that they have played an important role in the birth process.
program consists of three, 2 hour sessions, with a further session offered to first time parents on baby care.
Please give me a call if you require any further information, I am passionate about this program as I know how successful
it is as we ask for feedback after delivery and the figures speak for themselves. Please read my testimonials for details.
I really look forward to speaking with you.
Please do not confuse our programme with any other
programmes of similar names, this programme is written in the UK but can be used worldwide, please see our main website
to find a practitioner close to you.